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The Scoop- They want your children

Writer's picture: Steve BainbridgeSteve Bainbridge

The other day, I was scrolling Twitter, and what I saw was not only disturbing but made me sick to the stomach. It was a video of a man, dressed in women's clothing acting effeminate, and reading to young children. A young boy stood up and reenacted the motions the transvestite was doing. Even rolling up his sleeves to look like what was in front of his eyes.

Make no mistake, the public education system is not the neutral safe space of diverse views of educational exploration, it is the center of propaganda and desensitization of Canada’s future generation(s). They push their atheistic creation accounts, their polytheistic multiculturalism, and their sexually immoral perversion on minors. However, we know all of this. Many want to ignore it and attempt to deny it by suppressing the realities of what is taking place, but deep down - any rational-thinking person sees, the children are being groomed and abused.

Such a statement better have some backbone, so let us go back in time to 2015. It was a time the Liberal party of Ontario was overseeing the education within the province and in doing so, one Benjamin Levin had his hands in the dough of what would form the Ontario Sex Ed curriculum. Who is Benjamin Levin? He was the deputy education minister who was sentenced to three years in prison for child porn-related offenses[1]. The CBC released their story on Levin back in May 2015, and the article quoted the Ontario Court Justice, Heather McArthur as saying

Mr. Levin also had a hidden dark side. Unbeknownst to his friends, colleagues, and family, he had become deeply immersed in a deviant and depraved online world.”[2]

Joe Warmington for the Toronto Sun also made comments on this pervert and made the correct assumption that the liberal government was attempting to distance itself from this disgraced minister, but his fingerprint was all over the material[3]. Again, any rational person would assume, if the curriculum was formed by a former minister, who was charged with watching children being exploited such a curriculum would immediately be overhauled. The former premier of Ontario Kathleen Wynne, who is an open Lesbian along with other elected officials for some reason either had no concerns or suppressed those concerns to ensure homosexual propaganda be added to public school courses.

Now thankfully, the Ontario Conservative Party did roll back such a curriculum in 2018 when Doug Ford took office. This was achieved by moving back to the 1998 model of sex-ed. Sadly, with political pushback, advocacy groups, and other pressure avenues, what is taking place in the Ontario Education system is absolutely appalling. Stephen Lecce, the current education minister at the time of writing this article, announced back in August 2019, the Ontario education ministry will include some of the elements of the previous Liberal curriculum that was formed by a now convicted child predator.

Fast forward all the parent groups, protests, and concerns - the small drip becomes an open faucet. It is not just questionable and objectionable talks about sexuality and sexual health - there is more push to influence and promote children to a specific ideology. Public educational institutions that are supposed to be neutral with religious and personal agendas are now pumping out the religion of sexual immorality - which I have written about previously. This is why it has gone beyond just talk, and into music, and literature. Now every country is dealing with this issue, not just Canada. Shifting slightly towards the literature, what happens when books are being introduced regardless of hetero or homosexual content? The questions need to be asked, why are gems of literature being pulled from libraries because of the historic use of certain terminology, but children can access books like My Body is Growing written by Dagmar Geisler who is 64? Using graphics lanuage, in which one parent called “soft porn literature?[4]

Jillian Follert - a reporter and her article Books with graphic sex challenged, Durham board opts to keep them in school libraries, overviewed the decision of the Durham Region School Board (Ontario, Canada) and overviewed three of the top books with concern (Read it here).

A) What about the Gender Queer: A Memoir, a book written by Maia Kobade is a graphic novel as it has illustrations of specific sexual acts.

B) The Infinite Moment of Us, by Lauren Myracle also described as a graphic exposition on sex between two characters.

C) Lastly, Me and Earl and the dying girl, by Jewsse Andrew use offensive language with specific sexually immoral overtones.

There needs to be a wake-up call for parents in Ontario. Parents, regardless of their political or religious backgrounds are sending their children to school to sit under a curriculum influenced by an ex-con child porn pervert who took part for his own gratification in the exploitation of children. Curriculum that supports transvestites to attend public libraries to read and potentially groom children comes from the same sources that allow books of sexually graphic material to be accessed. But if this is not bad enough, let’s look at one last matter that is behind all of this. The message from the Gay Community Choir in San Francisco as there are no borders when it comes to this issue. The video I will reference below was released by SFGMC TV approximately one year ago (Here).

Around the eight-second mark, the video transcripts reveal the following statement.

You fight against our rights you say we all lead lives you can’t respect, but you're frightened you think that we’ll corrupt your kids. If our agenda goes unchecked, it’s funny just this once you’re correct, we’ll convert your children - happens bit by bit, quietly and subtly, and you will barely notice it.

Later it goes on again about converting children to their ideological sexually immoral ways with the term "we’ll convert your children," expressing the disapproval of where they are going, how a parent will be disgusted when they learn of the activity - and in the words of the actual video, "the world is getting gayer than grinder."

As I said before, the gay, and lesbian revolution is not wanting acceptance, they want full submission and it is a cult. Parents across the province and the country of Canada are leading their most precious possession into the hands of educators that are required to promote, teach, and grant access to literature that was introduced by predators and controlled by the spirit of the antichrist. If there has ever been a time for parents to pull their children from public education - it is now. Not tomorrow, now. Regardless of one’s religious background, enough is enough. Parents have rights over their children regardless of what threats the state attempt to threaten families with.

Men, it is time to fight for your children and your families. There is an old saying, “Fight as if you are the third monkey on the ramp leading into Noah’s ark - and brother, it is starting to rain." It is time, to home-educate or privately educate those children you have been entrusted with. A wise pastor by the name of Voddie Baucham said it best, "Don't be surprised when you send your children to Caesar's schools and they come home as Romans." Whatever you need to do, work three jobs, sacrifice the American dream - and take care of those precious children God has called you to raise and protect.

The government has waged war on our families, it is time to respond, and make those classrooms empty. The province pays schools per filled seat. If those seats are empty, no funding. Then teachers will no longer be needed and then the message will be made clear. Remove their funding, cause massive layoffs, and maybe then they will get it - we are not messing around. It is time we as parents say it clear and say it loud - "get your hands off our children!"

There are options dear reader. There are schools out there that are safe. Get in touch, and we can direct you over to them for more information. Be in prayer. Serious prayer. Reach out to your pastor and elders. Talk to families that homeschool, or utilize private education. Walk with others, and become educated in all this. Most important - there are others who have strong convictions and you are not alone. Get connected.

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20

In His Grace,

Pastor Steve




1990 South Millway

Mississauga, Ontario Canada

Tel: 905-820-7777

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