My Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
[Watch Here] On November 29, 2021, The House of Commons in Ottawa, Ontario, unanimously passed Bill C-4. This Bill was designed to criminalize forced conversion therapy against LGBTQ individuals. Embed into this Bill are revisions to the Criminal Code of Canada S318, 319 and 320 regarding hate speech and seizing publications. The Senate has not yet passed the Bill, however, it seems this will move through with the same quickness as in the house. Further, in the opening of the Bill,we read the following.
“Whereas conversion therapy causes harm to society because, among other things, it is based on and propagates myths and stereotypes about sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, including the myth that heterosexuality, cisgender gender identity, and gender expression that conforms to the sex assigned to a person at birth are to be preferred over other sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions; And whereas, in light of those harms, it is essential to discourage and denounce the provision of conversion therapy to protect the human dignity and equality of all Canadians” [Source].
Within a quick brushstroke of a paragraph, the elected officials of Canada from all parties declared that Abrahamic faith groups such as Judaism and Christianity are myths. What they feel is true, but what we believe is a myth. A clear expression of hypocrisy and shows their rebellious hearts towards God. Further, this attack is set against the Christian message of sexual purity, against Creation order and the very law of God. This means, if a Christian preaches, shares or counsels someone regarding any issue of human sexuality by using Scripture, it may be deemed hate. As well, any minister preaching may have his sermon notes confiscated, files confiscated, face charges, and imprisoned.
Now, as a minster of the Christian faith I reject this. The message of Christianity is love. We do not hate people, we love Christ and his creation and therefore point people to Christ, the only source of salvation for humanity. Pandora’s box is not just opened, and the lid is blown wide off.So let me transition from this audience to a larger audience. I am calling for every Christian who voted for their elected official to hold them accountable. These men and women represented you and failed to do so by siding with their party. It is time you call them out, email them and demand answers for their decision on such sweeping denials of free speech. Second, any elected MP across Canada who belongs to an Evangelical church listening or reading this; I pray your sin is exposed. I pray that you either repent for this cowardice act or that your minister has enough backbone to excommunicate you for your attack against the church of Jesus Christ and going against the Holy Scriptures.
Third I want to address Mr. Trudeau, Mr. Singh, Mr. O’Toole, and all other magistrates. As the
leaders or sitting members of your respected parties you referred to teachings of the Christian faith as myths and played it so you party members voted in favour of such a Bill. You are enemies of God and will be judged. Christians do not fight with worldly weapons. No, we go to our knees in prayer. And though it is hard right now, we will pray for you. For your salvation and deliverance. Why? Because we don’t believe in myths and understand the full wrath of God will come against all those who defy Him on the great day of Judgment if they do not repent. In your arrogance, you feel nothing will come against you. You are like the ghosts who walk the deck of the Titanic, secure in the timbers and rivets of the structure; not aware you are heading for an iceberg – and dare to utter those very words of Edward John Smith “Even God himself couldn’t sink this ship,” Well sirs the ship is sinking, and we see what happens when God is tempted.
The Bible, in which we Christian’s hold is the very Word of God – Nations have been blessed through their obedience to it, and nations have been destroyed for disobeying it. It has been banned, deemed illegal, and many tried to alter it or simply deny it. But it remains, and always will. Even through foolish words of those who declare it a myth, it remains. All those who oppose this truth mean nothing to us believers– history stands alone. All magistrates who operate in wickedness are like that of Belshazzar, the writing is on the wall and the interpretation true. “You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting.”
To every pastor who has failed to rise and have hidden in the shadows. Those days are over. It is time to get on your knees, repent and find restoration. It is time to preach the truth, the whole truth, so help you God. It is time to let them arrest you, charge you, and take everything away from you. You will find blessing in this, and they will only find frustration. Even if they try to kill us, we trust and understand the church is built upon the foundation of Christ, and on the blood-soaked soil of martyrs. No more cowering. The days are dark, and the sheep need men.
Lastly, to the Christian. If your pastor will not preach the truth and will not stand in these days of trouble, it is time to leave your church, now. It is time to give faithful churches more of your time and resources. It is time to no longer worry about tax receipts and all the rest. The government has declared war on the Christian faith – and it’s time you realize this.
As your pastor, I stand here today, on the verge of being declared a criminal. If this Bill passes, and it probably will, it will only be time before the noose gets even tighter. But I will preach on. I will preach and love you with or without an ordination, with or without a building and without caring what magistrates who hate God think. In closing, saints – pray for Canada. She is a vile stink in the nostrils of a Holy God. Pray like you are Abraham, asking the Lord if he finds a certain number faithful that will he cease to destroy it. Pray that there is a revival in the churches and a reverse of Judgment that is on the horizon. Pray Canada does not fall like Sodom – and at the same time, be prepared it may. It is time to pick up your cross, to set your eyes upon Jerusalem, to leave the world and declare no turning back.
Rev. S BainbridgeLead Pastor
The Mill Christian Fellowship