After posting the first portion of some of my concerns over what has been displayed online regarding the Asbury movement in Kentucky, I need to respond to some feedback I have been given. As I stated in my original post, I want Revival, I long for it. At the same time, I understand when Revival does come, it will not necessarily come according to either personal, doctrinal or denominational standards. God is free to move how He wants when He wants. After all, the thoughts of the LORD are higher than ours, and His ways are higher than ours (Is 55:8-9), so caution is required when assuming anything - but again this does not mean I do not have many questions.
Some of the emails I have received are rebuking me over my last article. Some of the reasons were,
"You have not attended this revival, how can you make sinful accusations?"
"A movement of the Spirit is not bound by your coldness or doctrine."
"Attitudes like this will quench the Spirit"
"Repent for your divisiveness!"
Now there are a few more comments I have had, but those were and represent the main theme of feedback. Now, my original post on February 11, 2023, regarding hearing rumours of 'Revival' but not seeing too many videos that could confirm, just lots of music is what started my need to have answers.
Now, this was four days ago. Granted, things take time, and reports take time. But when I Googled articles to see if there has been an increase in church services on February 12, 2023, I was not able to find anything substantial. I also have attempted to find testimony videos from those who have attended. Let me clarify, I hear lots of what God is doing, but I have not heard testimonies of students or attendees speak about how they have been redeemed. How the Gospel of Christ has transformed them from darkness to light. No testimony that after hearing the Word of God, they moved from a life of sexual immorality to a life of Christ. I have not (yet - time will tell) seen sermons that have been preached there. Or the Word of God is opened and read in front of the congregation, explained, and people respond. Again, I confess, I will say, God does not need to move according to my expectations. But I do need, as one who is attempting to discern what is going on before simply accepting this as a "Biblical Revival."
At no time, have I said or charged anyone of false teaching, nor have I said, it is not possible for people to feel conviction, cry, prayer or even someone getting saved. All that is possible because all salvation is dependent upon the Holy Spirit regenerating a person. What I have questioned is - where is the evidence this is an actual revival, not just a movement? When God moves, it is evident. When I am searching and striving to find media that could bring me to a place to truly say this is "revival," I am seeing more endorsements and more comments from questionable teachers - some false teachers like Bentley. This does not mean, Asbury is the same as Bentley, nor removes the ability for God to move, but seeing the character of this charlatan, I am surprised he was not broken over his sin, and publically announced he is a changed man. Further, seeing though many have been able to record many hours of video of singing, crying and praying, is it not possible to get just as much video regarding the preaching? The testimonies? Pastors of churches who had people at Asbury go back and give testimony to a move of God in their home congregations? This is what lead to my Tweet on February 13.
Now, perhaps I was too quick to say "not Revival" as doing so contradicts my call and caution to others in declaring "time will tell." However, by now, after days there should be some concrete Biblical examples. There seem to be many "yes this is a Revival" and "No this is not a Revival" questions. I am sitting here thinking if it is a Revival wouldn't we see and hear more than just singing? Now to those who have replied to me either through email, or Twitter replies saying I am in error, please correct me. Please provide me with some testimonies and some of the preaching that has taken place. Please provide me with repentance and reversals regarding LGBTQ individuals and their sexual sins. Have they repented, or are they being accepted? Let's hear some testimonies of students who are in other sins, and speak of their renouncement of such things. Those who have had abortions speak about the healing forgiveness of Christ. Let's provide some examples that align with the Bible. Now before people say, this is exactly what "kills the Spirit," I counter this with, since when would God violate His word? Does Jesus not delight in His word? Do believers, not delight in giving praise to God? Do we not delight in His word and how it impacts others through testimony? The answer should be yes, and videos should exist.
Lastly, much of the music is saturated in utilitarianism as opposed to directional worship. True worship is directed toward the Sovereign God who is one essence, three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. What we sing is always towards him, not about us. So, Asbury very well may be a move of God to some degree. There very well may be people who authentically want to repent but still, caution is needed. Further, emotionalism can deceive. We cannot say, trust the heart - because the heart is sick and deceitfully wicked (Jer 17:9). This is why, at this point, I cannot say for certain this is a Biblical Revival. Again, time will tell.
I will, with others sit back and watch. I will let time prove, but more so examine everything under the Scriptures. I trust, if this is of God, buckle up. If it is not of God it will fizzle away, and no lasting fruit will come out of it. I will pray for fruit, brokenness, and forgiveness and that all those who have attended, or will attend will be obedient to the Scriptures. Will attend local churches where the Gospel is faithfully preached, they will serve, and evangelize, either at home or as foreign missionaries and we see fruit for decades to come. I will say no more on this subject.
In His Grace,
Pastor Steve