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Writer's pictureSteve Bainbridge

Failure is Not An Option

We have all heard the expression Failure is not an option. The saying is not that old. It has been credited to Gene Kranz, who was the Nasa Flight director of the Apollo 13 moon landing, while in fact, it was more than likely spoken by the actual film team that made the movie starring Tom Hanks. Regardless, the saying stands firm - failure is not an option.

In Christianity, there is one area in which many Christians fail. It is not prayer, fasting, church attendance or tithing, though most certainly all these areas need work - it is sharing the Gospel. Now, you may be thinking at this moment, "I am not an evangelist, nor have I been given the gift of courage." Well, I have good news and bad news - neither of these excuses is acceptable over the greatest failure of the Christian church. Turn to Matthew's Gospel (Yes, actually get your Bible and open it) to the 28th chapter, and move down to the Great Commission.

Look at verse 18. All authority, in heaven and on earth was given to Christ. The noun ἐξουσία (exousia) literally means authority over a domain or sphere of influence. This could be political or religious. Here it represents that Jesus has all authority - over all realms. A connecting verse with the same usage is found in Jude 25, "to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever, Amen. As well in Colossians 2:10, in Him, (or in Jesus), "you have been made complete, and HE is the head over all rule and authority. This is of great importance because what Jesus is about to say after establishing His authority, gives instruction.

The first part we read is go. this expresses motion and movement. In other words, the Gospel will not be preached by Christians sitting in their living room eating Cheetos. Nor will the Gospel go forward by simply playing the passive card and declaring, "well, I am at least praying for them" attitude. The second part of verse 19 gives the main point of the instruction. Make Disciples.

Who is a disciple? Well, it is a saved person who follows the instruction of Christ. Therefore lost people cannot be disciples. This is why Paul gives the list of rhetorical questions in Romans 10,

How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?

How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, “HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THOSE WHO BRING GOOD NEWS OF GOOD THINGS!” (Romans 10:14-15 NASB)

So failing to go is a failure to preach to those who have not heard. That failure leads to those not hearing and not believing. Granted, salvation is the work of the Holy Spirit through Regeneration (Titus 3: 5), but he providentially uses church members to speak the truth in working out the effectual call. Making Disciples is not just preaching the easy believism message that Jesus loves you, and there is a God-shaped hole in the hearts of sinners. Nor is the message of saying a simple prayer. It is the proclamation of the Gospel, and telling people that unless a person denies themself, picks up their cross, they cannot follow God (Luke 9:23). It is the reminder that the Christian is called to abide in the word, and by doing so are truly disciples, they know the truth and the truth sets the person free (John 8:31-32).

Adding to this is the requirement to Baptism new believers in the name of the Trinity and to teach all that Christ commanded. To pass down the instructions. To inform others what is required through Scripture regarding our faith and practice. So failing to share the Gospel, in a sense, is treason against our Holy God. This is why failure is not an option. We can call it fear, not feeling equipped, or not being called, but all those excuses are another term for sin.

The word is clear. Each believer has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 3:16, John 14:26, Eph 1:14-14). Perhaps we are not reading enough, we are not memorizing Scripture, or we are too preoccupied with other things, but all Christians already have the ability to share. It is possible that many, though they profess Christ is ashamed of the testimony of Christ. They are overcome by fear and shame, which really boils down to pride.

Many Christians in Canada grumble and complain about how dark the country is getting. How do the homosexual agenda, the communist agenda and all the schemes of the evil one seem to be overtaking the nation, but where are the true believers with their torches lit? Where are the Christians on the highways and byways of the nation calling men and women to repentance? Yes, judgment is upon this nation and starts in the house of God first. Many like to blame the external, but the reality remains Christians in slothful, apathetic attitudes have failed greatly in this nation for remaining silent.

Sound harsh? Let me ask a question to the married men and women reading this article. When you first met your spouse, I bet you were head over heels for them (once you got to know them). You would talk about them to everyone. Men, when you met your brides, you always talked about the smell of their hair, colour of their eyes, and their smile. All you talked about was how in love you were; everyone was sick of hearing it. Let me ask, why don't we talk like that after 20 years of marriage? Some say maturity, but the answer is serious and beyond maturity. We all take our love for granted. We stop pursuing our brides. We get cold, our hearts get cold, and then we simply go with the motions. This is a sad place to be in marriage and sad in our walks.

Many no longer talk about Christ because they do not pursue Him anymore. He is not the first thought in the morning or the last conversation at night. The fire that once burned so bright is barely a smouldering wick. Some will praise the person in such a state as mature, wise and grown up. While the sad reality is such a person is in great need of revival and a healed heart - because they have forgotten their first love.

Do you want to see this nation of Canada changed? It will not be from Queens Park or Parliament Hill, and it will first begin on our knees in confession and repentance. Then it will take place on the highways and byways of our large cities to the smallest town, where faithful men and women are preaching the Gospel to a lost and saying world. Failure is not an option. There is no choice here. If you profess Christ, it is time to proclaim Christ. As I have said many times in ministry, to which now it has become more of a tagline, but it still rings true.

The reason why so many fail to joyfully proclaim Christ, is because deep down many fail to faithfully adore Christ.

Let today be the day we are no longer silent. Let us march forward, armed in the Gospel and proclaim His glorious name among the nations.

Below I have attached some older videos for you to watch. These were taken back in the early 2000s when I started getting involved with street preaching and ministry. Let these be an example of how all of us can get out there and do this. These videos are full of moms, dads, brothers, grandparents and more sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. After the videos, there will be another link to our dear brother Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron ministering to those they interact with on Living Waters (Way of the Master) episodes so that you can learn more about sharing the faith.

In His Grace,

Pastor Steve

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